

Carna Code 00100033003080
Manufacturer C.R. Bard, Inc.
Product Code ZVM10120
Description E-Lumine x Vascular Stent 6Fr 1 0/120/80
Biological Category Non Biological Product
Certification -
GTIN LM- MD501033
Packaging Size 1 Piece(s)
Classification Medical Materials >> Patient >> Specific Organ >> Cardiology >> Cardiovascular System >> Peripheral Vascular >> Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty >> Stent

Launched “CarnaYOKUMIRU”, an overseas online helpline service for expatriates!

The content of this service will be changed from the Carna Health Support Club which is specialized for COVID-19, and will be developed from July 2024 as a service that provides online helpline service for Japanese Expats collaborated with YOKUMIRU.

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